Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Best buy DSLR - Sony’s Alpha A230

Sony’s Alpha A230 is one of the cheapest DSLRs on the market right now, but offers a solid specification for the money. It’s equipped with a 10 Megapixel sensor, built-in stabilisation which works with any lens you attach, a 9-point AF system, 2.7in screen and an HDMI port. The A230 may not feature Live View or a Movie Mode, but the presence of built-in stabilisation, not to mention an HDMI port, take it beyond many budget models. The A230 is also very easy to use with a new control system aimed at DSLR-beginners. It’s a great choice for first-time DSLR owners on a budget, and if you can’t live without Live View, consider the Alpha A330 which additionally features a tilting screen.

Pros: Built-in IS, easy controls, one of the cheapest new DSLRs.
Cons: No Live View, slow continuous shooting, unusual grip.
Overall: Ideal for first-time DSLR buyers on a budget.



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